Monday, January 2, 2012

Test Nexus Now

The game is live, go to the Test Nexus Online above to play in your browser. The server is still somewhat slow so if you live far away from the CST time zone you may have issues playing. I will be getting a much better server soon, so bare with it for the time being. Also as I said in the previous post the server will only be up until around Saturday so play as much as you can while you still can.

New Powerups:

Fire a large gunship enemy into your opponent's field that can fire a large particle cannon and has a defense turret in addition. If you get close to this enemy it will automatically fire its turret to keep you away, but even worse if you get within its sight it will attempt to fire its large particle cannon.

First it uses its targeting laser to aim, then if it has a lock on it fires its primary attack.

The beam is pretty easy to dodge, but it has a very large range so you need to be careful or you can be caught off guard. It's primary weakness is that it moves very slow, but with its heavy armor and defense turret taking it down will still prove to be a challenge.

Spiral Shot:
In addition to the circle shot, you can now fire a cluster of bullets through the wormhole at once to clutter your opponent's field. This attack doesn't move as fast as the circle shot so it can be more easily avoided, but it produces a larger amount of shots that need to be dodged.
The assist powerups now are touch-activated so if you find a blue powerup grab it for immediate benefit. There are three boosts right now:
  • Health - Increases your health by one slot
  • Invincibility - creates an invulnerability ring around your ship for a short time
  • Overdrive - Massively increases your speed and fire rate for a short time
Thanks and let me know what you think

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