Monday, March 5, 2012

Updated Lobby Mock

I've done some more work designing the lobby layout. Here are some of (not all) my mock-ups:

Also I will not be able to update the blog as often as I have been for a while due to new deadlines in real life. Keep following the blog for spontaneous updates, but they won't be as periodic.


  1. Hm.

    I understand that mockup 2 is very similar to what we had during beta (or alpha, whatever you want to call it), but it does feel better to they eyes imo.

  2. I love watching this all come together. You're doing a great job Dillon and we all appreciate the work you're putting into it. Don't kill yourself with it though. We've been waiting this long, we can wait a little longer.

  3. This looks really nice i like both so...idk i cant choose between the two lol
